Saturday 15 January 2011

A Year of the Cat - A new Blog Project

I've  been wanting to do one of those photoblogs, or 'photo of yourself for every day of the year' projects, but I don't want to take photographs of myself, and I do like taking photos of my cat. And cats are much more photogenic, after all.

So that is what I will do. Every day possible, I will take one new photo of my cat and post it. It won't be every single day, because we both have to be around at the same time, when I have a camera, but hopefully it will be regularly. I might even throw in pictures of other cats occasionally.

I think it might be interesting - both for photography practice, and just to see if she changes over the year. It will also be practice for actually keeping a blog that is only about one thing!

It's over here at A Year of the Cat

(Actually, my cat forced me to. She decides I'm becoming too internet-famous and it's her turn).

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